Memorial Day should be a solemn day in our country - a day to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Unfortunately, it's turned into a BBQ day for the vast majority of us. My great-grandfather fought in World War I and my grandfather fought in World War II - both were sailors in the United States Navy. My great uncle fought in the forgotten war, the Korean War, and my father was a paratrooper during peace time - both were members of the United States Army.
My family was lucky enough to never loose a soldier in combat - but many other families cannot say the same. Today I spoke with my six year-old for the first time about what Memorial Day means. He's too young to understand war, but I did my best to explain that sometimes, soldiers don't come home. His response? "Mommy, that's sad." And it is.
I told my son that because it's sad, we take today to remember. If we always remember, those soldiers will always be with us. So, for all of those who gave their lives for me and my family, I remember you. Thank you.
They fell, but o'er their glorious grave
Floats free the banner of the cause they died to save.
~Francis Marion Crawford

Salute to our dear heroes! Hannah, Makeup Artist