Breast is best, right? But what happens once you've transitioned your baby over to solid foods and you no longer need your breast pump? Do you shove your pump away in a dark closet never to see it again? Maybe you have no idea what to do with it? Here's a breakdown for us mom's with Medela Breast Pumps and the process of recycling our pumps once we're done with them.

Medela Recycles
If you're like me and you opted to buy a Medela breast pump, there's a really cool program that you NEED to know about. It's called Medela Recycles. This is a program where you can send off your old electric breast pump to be recycled at zero cost to you. Added bonus? Each month Medela sends a donation of two Symphony Preemie+ Breastpumps the Ronald McDonald House Charity thanks to the mom's that are recycling their old pumps through Medela Recycles - FANTASTIC!
Many of these mom's have babies in the NICU and the only option to get breast milk to their little ones is through pumping on a daily basis. Getting a free pump can take away just one of the added stresses that these mother's face during such a difficult time.
Fun Fact: Medela began this recycling campaign through learning of a Change.Org petition started by a regular EcoMom looking for a way to recycle her old pump in a way that was ecofriendly. It just goes to show that us mom's CAN make a difference!
Get more details on the program by clicking the image below! So far, they've received almost 3,000 donations.
Get more details on the program by clicking the image below! So far, they've received almost 3,000 donations.
What if I have a Manual Pump?
Not everyone is going to have an electric pump, though, so what can you do if you'd still like to recycle your pump, but don't qualify for Medela Recycles? If you have a manual Medela pump, you need to know that they aren't "closed system" pumps - so, essentially, they aren't really made to be used my multiple moms.
However, the good news is that Medela does make their pumps out of recyclable materials for the most part, so all you need to do is take your pump to your local recycling center and Ta-Da! You've sent you pump to breast-pump-heaven without hurting the environment.
That's great, but my pump isn't Medela...
There are so many brands of breast pumps out there and I'm sure a few readers might not have gone with Medela as their pump choice - But it's important to empower yourself with knowledge! Check the materials your non-Medela pump is made from and see if they're recyclable. Go to the manufacturer's website and see if their pumps are suitable for multiple mom's - you may be able to give your pump to a friend or family member for sterilization and re-use.
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