Let me start this post by saying that I am literally LIVING with this survival kit right now - I gave birth six days ago and the list of "goodies" below have saved me from a lot of discomfort. Every woman is different and every delivery is different, so if you've found other ways to assist in the postpartum healing process, definitely let me know!
For an uncomplicated vaginal delivery, there's really not a whole lot that us ladies can do to limit some of the pain and discomfort - your uterus is contracting back to it's pre-baby size, your breasts are sore, and the pain "down there" is super uncomfortable. One of the side-effects of an uncomplicated delivery is also that most doctor's won't prescribe you any super "cray cray" pain medications either (which I consider a GOOD thing). So what can we do to help our bodies? Here's my super short list of easy to find and super affordable "postpartum survival kit" goodies:

Breast Care
- Nursing Sports Bra: I purchased several bras for nursing prior to delivery, but the two that I have on a constant wash/use cycle right now are my two nursing sports bras. They are much more comfortable than the under-wire options I have, and they are easier to shove to the side for the super frequent feedings you'll have with your newborn. I bought mine at Motherhood Maternity during a bra sale - if you have one of these stores (or one like it) in your area, ask them when their next sale will be and plan to buy in bulk before baby is born - My bras, sports and otherwise, averaged $10-$15 each - super cheap!
- Nursing Pads: Your nipples WILL hurt. You can try going without a bra, but you'll quickly find that the friction from your shirt hurts too much. Putting a nursing pad inside of your bra will protect the bra from leakage and limit friction on your nipples. These are available in cloth and disposable options - Cloth is a little harder to find, but the disposable ones are pretty much available anywhere that sells baby or maternity gear. I opted to buy cloth ones (I'm a cloth mom, what can I say?) and use one pair each day, one pair overnight. In total I bought 10 pairs for less than $5 each, but I'm sure that you can find cheaper options on EBay if you're super interested in cloth. Disposable pads typically come in packs of 30-50 for less than $10.
- Lanolin Cream: I use lanolin cream twice daily on my nipples to sooth the ache from having an infant that is still learning to latch properly. This is a miracle cream! It will keep your nipples from cracking, will calm pain, and it doesn't need to be washed off before breastfeeding, as it is completely safe for baby. Depending on the brand, you can get lanolin for $10-$20 per tube. I opted for Lansinoh because it is a truly "one ingredient" cream - check your cream's ingredients for additives!
Prescribed Medications
- Stool Softener: My doctors for both of my pregnancies prescribed Colace (Docusate Sodium) as a stool softener following my vaginal births. Because you are so sensitive, and many women have stitches to deal with, a stool softener helps to limit pain and pressure when you're "taking care of business."
- Pain Medication: This will vary from woman to woman (allergies may also play a factor) and may also vary depending on your doctor. I have had two unmedicated deliveries with mild to moderate tearing and I was given 600mg Motrin after both. Talk with your doctor about your options - I preferred any option that would limit my intake of medication - some women don't really care and just want to be comfortable. Be sure to educate yourself on your options.
Care for "Down There"
- Super Absorbency Feminine Pads: You'll be bleeding for several weeks following delivery - the first week, this flow is will likely mimic a heavy period. I opted to get the largest pads I could find to cover this first few weeks because I didn't want to worry about staining on my clothing and I would also be using witch hazel pads (see below) so I wanted to get a pad that would absorb that liquid too. You can get cloth pads if you like, though I've never been able to wrap my head around the idea of a reusable feminine hygiene product (I guess I just lost my "crunchy mom" card). Disposable pads should be available at any drug or grocery store.
- Witch Hazel Pads: Pre-moistened witch hazel pads act as a natural, cooling and relieving astringent during your first week(s) postpartum. If you give birth in a hospital, this should be something that you get sent home with, but I found that the amount you get for free typically only lasts a day. I wasn't able to find pre-moistened pads in any stores, so I bought witch hazel on it's own (this is available nearly everywhere - try CVS or stores like it) and large circular cotton pads (try your local store's makeup section for these - just do NOT get the exfoliating kind!). Witch hazel and the cotton pads are only a few dollars each.
- Peri Bottle: This is another freebie for hospital moms - if you don't give birth in a hospital, peri bottle's are actually kind of hard to find - but any drug store will have travel sized squeeze bottles, which work just as well. You aren't able to wipe yourself down there at first (pleasant thought, I know), so you'll use the peri bottle to squeeze warm water to cleanse yourself.
- Anesthetic Spray: This is totally optional, but something I've totally bought into. Some moms say they don't work, others swear by them. I use the Dermoplast Pain Relieving Spray, which is simply a no-touch benzocaine spray. Benzocaine is an over the counter topical pain reliever that has no proven negative impact on the environment and is considered safe for use by most women - there is the potential to be allergic to it though, so talk to your doctor before use.
Have anything to add?
I'd love to hear what worked for you during your recovery from a vaginal delivery! Every woman is different, so I'd love to hear your thoughts. If there's a desire for it, I can also write a post on C-Section recovery - just let me know if you'd like to see that.
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